Monday, May 29, 2006

Turkey Leg


RadioFreeCatlandia said...

Post more or give me the cheese.

just a mom said...

Ha ha ha ha!!!!! I just got home from the Magic Kingdom...... I must agree with you. Who needs to go to Sea World, when you can see this just right next door? Disney commercials: false advertisement at it's best.

Really, you must stroll on over to Universal Studios too. There, the majority of people are not only over weight, but they seem to think that wearing a string bikini and "Daisey Dukes" is a privilage available to EVERYONE......

Gavin Elster said...

I lived next door to Universal for 15 years and I would wander up the hill to people watch. the best vantage point is right in front of the exit. You get to see all those folks at their very best. All their money gone exhasted and full of carny food.