Sunday, May 14, 2006



Gavin Elster said...

Thank you for your post park_alice.

Gavin Elster said...

OH and PARK_ALICE since you made that name up just to say what you have said on my blog I am honored to have outraged you. I am outraged that you wish to pray for me! How dare you beg YOUR "god" to "save" me!
You sicken me.
If ths blog saddens your heart then simply click off this page and don't look back.
What I am doing here does not concern you Nor do you know why this blog is here in the first place. So stop talkin' outta your ass and get back to saving lil starving "non-american" babies so they can grow up and clean your house you god fearin' repugnican!

Ohh you'll pray for me... That just curdles my cream!

We'll if you feel the need to pray for me I'll do the same for you. I pray your "SATAN" takes you and your family to your "HELL" and keeps you there.

Jerry Patrick said...

LOL you idiot LOL